WebRover | August 24, 2016
The Future Of Space Isn’t NASA… And That’s Not A Bad Thing.
Space: it”s the final frontier. Space has long been exclusively navigated by the world”s most well-off nations (U.S...
WebRover | August 24, 2016
Just When I Thought I’d Seen Everything, This Happens On A Tiny Island In Asia. Stunning.
It may take you by surprise, but some of the coolest stuff on this earth actually occurs naturally,...
WebRover | August 23, 2016
I Was Using Google Earth When I Noticed Something Awesome… In Fact, 29 Awesome Things.
Google Earth allows us to explore the world around us in a way that used to be impossible....
WebRover | August 23, 2016
Here’s Why You Should ALWAYS Get A Window Seat On A Plane. Don’t Say I Didn’t Warn You.
When you fly on an airplane, do you prefer to sit in the aisle or by the window?...
WebRover | August 23, 2016
These Billboards Will Help You Learn About The World Around You. Trust Us.
Science World is an educational magazine that just cant keep their facts to themselves. We can explain is...
WebRover | August 22, 2016
During Certain Seasons, This River Transforms Into A Kaleidoscope Of Colors
Combining prehistoric black rocks, vivid yellow sand, green moss, pure blue water, and seasonal red algae, this river...
WebRover | August 22, 2016
These 9 Abandoned Places Have Been Reclaimed By Nature. It’s Beautiful And Scary.
It”s crazy to think that nature can, given time, almost take over and start to erase traces of...
WebRover | August 22, 2016
Scuba Diver Finds Something Terrifyingly Awesome
Off of the coast of Venice Beach, Florida, one scuba diver found something that is so cool… but...
WebRover | August 21, 2016
This Is Some Of The Most Ludicrous Things We Have Discovered In Outer Space.
Remember when we were all in grade school and we were taught about space? Didn”t it sound amazing?...
WebRover | August 21, 2016
Something Washed Up On This Small Beach. When They Found Out What It Was… Holy Cow!
Imagine taking an evening walk along the beach and stumbling upon something huge and awesome that washed ashore:...