WebRover | August 3, 2016
10 People Who Got Exactly What They Deserved
Most of us learn at a young age that real life sucks. There are no guardian angels; no...
WebRover | August 3, 2016
10 Black Sheep Of Famous Families
All families have that one member who brings down the family name. The so-called black sheep goes against...
WebRover | August 2, 2016
The Sleeping Beauty of Loulan
The perfectly preserved mummy known as the Sleeping Beauty of Loulan is one of 200 mummies found in...
WebRover | August 2, 2016
Top 10 Unethical Psychological Experiments
Psychology is a relatively new science which gained popularity in the early 20th century with Wilhelm Wundt. In...
WebRover | August 2, 2016
11 Words with Surprising Derivations
Part of English’s success is due to the embracing of new words; British and Irish people in particular...
WebRover | August 2, 2016
10 Trailblazers Overshadowed By Their Famous Spouses
We typically use the expression “better half” as a simple term of endearment for our partners. However, there...
WebRover | August 2, 2016
10 People Whose Lives Were Completely Ruined By The Media
Free media is a fundamental characteristic of an open society. Without freedom of speech, all other freedoms tend...
WebRover | August 2, 2016
10 Deeply Depressing Facts About Bullying
Who here was bullied at school? If you’re from the US, chances are you experienced it at some...
WebRover | August 1, 2016
10 Types Of Prostitutes In History
It’s called the world’s oldest profession, and for good reason. Prostitution has been around since the beginning of...
WebRover | August 1, 2016
10 Things We Just Dont Know About Language And Communication
By the time were in school, were able to do it without even really thinking about it. Its...