
The 50 World Maps May Change How You View The World. I Never Knew This Before.

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26. The Earths distribution of people is incredibly uneven.

26. The Earths distribution of people is incredibly uneven.

27. The minutes of minimum wage work needed to buy a Big Mac.

27. The minutes of minimum wage work needed to buy a Big Mac.

28. The most popular Google autocompletes for “Why is [state/country] so…”

28. The most popular Google autocompletes for

29. Finish this sentence.

29. Finish this sentence.

30. Most popular streamed musical artists by US State.

30. Most popular streamed musical artists by US State.

31. Ever wonder whats on the other side of the globe to you? Chances are, its a lot of ocean.

31. Ever wonder whats on the other side of the globe to you? Chances are, its a lot of ocean.

32. Freedom of the press worldwide in 2013.

32. Freedom of the press worldwide in 2013.

33. What it takes to make a jar of Nutella.

33. What it takes to make a jar of Nutella.

34. If the worlds ice melts, the world will look something like this…

34. If the worlds ice melts, the world will look something like this...

35. The world divided into seven regions, each with a population of 1 billion.

35. The world divided into seven regions, each with a population of 1 billion.

36. Laws against homosexuality.

36. Laws against homosexuality.

37. All the worlds earthquakes from 1898 to 2012.

37. All the worlds earthquakes from 1898 to 2012.

38. Countries that do not use the metric system.

38. Countries that do not use the metric system.

39. Countries that use Celsius and Fahrenheit to measure temperature.

39. Countries that use Celsius and Fahrenheit to measure temperature.

40. The surface map of Mars on the surface map of Earth.

40. The surface map of Mars on the surface map of Earth.

41. The surface map of Earth on the surface map of Jupiter.

41. The surface map of Earth on the surface map of Jupiter.

42. Worldwide driving orientation. Red is right, blue is left.

42. Worldwide driving orientation. Red is right, blue is left.

43. Every recorded meteorite to have struck Earth since 2300 BC.

43. Every recorded meteorite to have struck Earth since 2300 BC.

44. The longest straight line you can sail in is Pakistan to Russia, or 20,000 miles.

44. The longest straight line you can sail in is Pakistan to Russia, or 20,000 miles.

45. The most popular websites around the world.

45. The most popular websites around the world.

46. Earth at night.

46. Earth at night.

47. Gender inequality by country.

47. Gender inequality by country.

48. World happiness index.

48. World happiness index.

49. How modern humans spread across the planet when they left Africa 60,000 years ago. The number over each continent is when they arrived (40k = 40,000 years ago).

49. How modern humans spread across the planet when they left Africa 60,000 years ago. The number over each continent is when they arrived (40k = 40,000 years ago).

50. The most commonly spoken language in every US state (other than English and Spanish).

50. The most commonly spoken language in every US state (other than English and Spanish).

(H/T: Eye Opening) You”d be hard pressed to not learn something new from these world maps. Spread the knowledge by sharing these maps with your friends. Click on the button below to show them.


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