
These 20 Plants Will Scare The Heck Out Of You. #13? Nope, Nope, Nope.

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13. Black bat flower. Nope. Just nope.

Black bat flower. Nope. Just nope.

14. Doll”s Eye. Alright now that”s just downright scary.


15. Burdetts Banksia. Haunting.

Burdetts Banksia. Haunting.

16. Chinese Lantern. I”m getting chills just looking at this one.

Chinese Lantern. I

17. Spider-orchid. Now they”re bringing spiders into this?!

Spider-orchid. Now they

18. Coral Fungi. Looks like plastic.

Coral Fungi. Looks like plastic.

19. Amorphophallus titanum AKA the corpse flower.

Amorphophallus titanum AKA the corpse flower.

20. Laughing face orchid. Whew alright this one actually looks cute.

Laughing face orchid. Whew alright this one actually looks cute.

(H/T: Blastr )

Well, that settles it. I”m never going outside again. Nature, you win this round. I”ll just stay inside thank you very much. Share these freaky planets with you friends on Facebook by clicking below.


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