Awesome Stuff

24 Incredible, But Little Known, Facts About The Human Brain.

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You probably think that you know your own brain. After all, you use it every day. However, there are a lot of misconceptions and myths that people accept as the gospel truth. It”s time to debunk (or de-brain) those myths. Not only that, but we wanted to inform you of some strange brain trivia you probably weren”t aware of before. I don”t want to say your mind will be blown… but maybe your brain may be.

1.) You use more than 10% of your brain (in fact you use all of your brain). Most of your brain is active all of the time, even when youre asleep.

1.) You use more than 10% of your brain (in fact you use all of your brain). Most of your brain is active all of the time, even when youre asleep.

2.) Actually, your brain is MORE active when you”re asleep.

2.) Actually, your brain is MORE active when you

3.) Information can go in between parts of your brain at a speed of 260mph.

3.) Information can go in between parts of your brain at a speed of 260mph.

4.) You have over 100,000 miles of axons in your brain. They could wrap around the Earth 4 times.

4.) You have over 100,000 miles of axons in your brain. They could wrap around the Earth 4 times.

5.) Your brain doesnt have pain receptors. It cant feel anything.

5.) Your brain doesnt have pain receptors. It cant feel anything.

6.) Its lack of pain receptors is why doctors can perform brain surgery on conscious patients.

6.) Its lack of pain receptors is why doctors can perform brain surgery on conscious patients.

7.) Kim Ung-Yong of South Korea had the highest IQ ever recorded (210).

7.) Kim Ung-Yong of South Korea had the highest IQ ever recorded (210).

8.) Your brain is the fattest organ in your body. It”s about 60% fat.

8.) Your brain is the fattest organ in your body. It

9.) Ancient peoples thought the brain wasnt important as the stomach and heart. When mummifying people, Egyptians would pull the brain out through the nose.

9.) Ancient peoples thought the brain wasnt important as the stomach and heart. When mummifying people, Egyptians would pull the brain out through the nose.

10.) Brain tissue has a consistency that”s very similar to tofu.

10.) Brain tissue has a consistency that

11.) Your brain can generate about 25 watts of power at any given time. It could power a light bulb.

11.) Your brain can generate about 25 watts of power at any given time. It could power a light bulb.

12.) Homunculus is a drawing created by Wilder Penfield. He showed us what we would look like if our body parts were as big as the brain space/power they use.

12.) Homunculus is a drawing created by Wilder Penfield. He showed us what we would look like if our body parts were as big as the brain space/power they use.

13.) Brain surgery is an old practice. Some cultures practiced trepanation, which is when holes would be drilled in the skull in an attempt to alleviate pain or cure sickness.

13.) Brain surgery is an old practice. Some cultures practiced trepanation, which is when holes would be drilled in the skull in an attempt to alleviate pain or cure sickness.

14.) Having a bigger brain doesnt make you smarter. In fact, Albert Einstein had a relatively small brain.

14.) Having a bigger brain doesnt make you smarter. In fact, Albert Einstein had a relatively small brain.

15.) During pregnancy, a womans brain will shrink. It will take up to 6 months to regain its size.

15.) During pregnancy, a womans brain will shrink. It will take up to 6 months to regain its size.

16.) When you were born, your brain was about the size it is now. Thats one reason why babies have such large heads relative to their bodies.

16.) When you were born, your brain was about the size it is now. Thats one reason why babies have such large heads relative to their bodies.

17.) Experts estimate that, over the course of a lifetime, modern human brains will retain up to 1 quadrillion pieces of information.

17.) Experts estimate that, over the course of a lifetime, modern human brains will retain up to 1 quadrillion pieces of information.

18.) You had more brain cells when you were 2 years-old than you will at any other point in your life.

18.) You had more brain cells when you were 2 years-old than you will at any other point in your life.

19.) Its easy to trick your brain. For example, Square A and Square B are the same color. (What?!)

19.) Its easy to trick your brain. For example, Square A and Square B are the same color. (What?!)

20.) There are more than 100,000 chemical reactions happening in your brain every SECOND.

20.) There are more than 100,000 chemical reactions happening in your brain every SECOND.

21.) Your brain accounts for 2% of your mass, but uses 25% of your oxygen and energy.

21.) Your brain accounts for 2% of your mass, but uses 25% of your oxygen and energy.

22.) You could survive only having one side of your brain.

22.) You could survive only having one side of your brain.

23.) Your brain will continue to develop until you”re in your late 40s.

23.) Your brain will continue to develop until you

24.) Every day, you have about 70,000 thoughts.

24.) Every day, you have about 70,000 thoughts.

(via: ebaumsworld) Who knew that the human brain was so cool (and that you knew so little about it)? That complex organ in your skull controls everything about you. It”s about time everyone is more acquainted with their brain! Share these cool facts with others. I bet they didn”t know this, either.


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