Awesome Stuff

An 8-Year-Long Volcano Eruption Wiped Out An Entire Town…Except For Its Church

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In 1943, Volcan de Paricutin began erupting in Mexico. Eight years later, after covering the entire village of San Juan Parangaricutiro with lava, it finally stopped erupting. The town remains buried underneath feet of volcanic rock, save for its church. The solid slabs used to build the church are credited for its survival against the onslaught of lava. However, one has to wonder if there was maybe something else that factored into its safety. Perhaps a little help from above?

The church with Volcan de Paricutin in the background.

The church with Volcan de Paricutin in the background.

All that”s left of a once-thriving village.

All that

Even the first floor of the church couldn”t be salvaged from the volcanic rock.

Even the first floor of the church couldn

But, after an 8-year-long eruption, you take what you can get.

But, after an 8-year-long eruption, you take what you can get.

A satellite view of the eruption.

A satellite view of the eruption.



That is one well-built church.

That is one well-built church.

With an amazing story, too.

With an amazing story, too.

(via ILTWMT)

The fact that this church was able to withstand a barrage of hot rock is nothing short of a miracle, be it of a divine or engineering origin. Regardless, it still looks beautiful after years of weathering and volcanic activity.


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