
Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures, And These 23 Pools Are Proof

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It”s ungodly hot out and you”re sweating profusely. It seems like nothing you do will give you any kind of respite from the oppressive heat. You try drinking a cold glass of water and standing in front of the air conditioner, but nothing seems to work.

Finally, you have an idea that will cool you down for sure: you need to go to a swimming pool! Taking a dip is just the thing you need to cure your heat fever. There”s one minor problem: you don”t own a pool, and don”t know anyone who does. How will you make your swimming dreams come true?

Easy. Create your own pool, like these folks did!

1. The one time anyone would want to sit in the trunk.

The one time anyone would want to sit in the trunk.

2. This pool is garbage.

This pool is garbage.

3. This one looks a little fishy.

This one looks a little fishy.

4. Hey, the water is supposed to be on the outside of the boat!

Hey, the water is supposed to be on the <em>outside</em> of the boat!

5. I think horses would love this hay pool.

I think horses would love this hay pool.

6. Can this pool get any cooler?

Can this pool get any <em>cooler</em>?

7. Relaxing to the max.

Relaxing to the max.

8. It”s a lovely cookout at the pool.


9. You have to be tiny to be admitted into this pool.

You have to be tiny to be admitted into this pool.

10. Boat pool!

Boat pool!

11. Did somebody say wheelbarrow pool?

Did somebody say wheelbarrow pool?

12. When all else fails, just throw some plastic down in the house.

When all else fails, just throw some plastic down in the house.

13. The “This isn”t a pool!” face.

The "This isn

14. An old-fashioned haystack pool.

An old-fashioned haystack pool.

15. I think this one takes the cake for the most creative DIY pool.

I think this one takes the cake for the most creative DIY pool.

16. These dudes just wanted to cool off.

These dudes just wanted to cool off.

17. At least that tractor tire is getting some use now.

At least that tractor tire is getting some use now.

18. A literal “inground pool.”

A literal

19. It looks like this guy went swimming with the Ninja Turtles.

It looks like this guy went swimming with the Ninja Turtles.

20. That”s a good use for an empty dumpster.


21. I don”t think you can get much worse than these “pools.”

I don

22. This pool is popular!

This pool is popular!

23. Go swimming and keep your beer cold.

Go swimming <i>and<em></em></i> keep your beer cold.

(via lightersideofrealestate)

The next time you need to go to a pool in a pinch, just follow these people and make your own! It”ll save money and time, plus you”ll have your own exclusive pool. Sounds good, doesn”t it?

For more fun DIY summer projects, check out these posts.



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