Awesome Stuff

Here Are 12 Reasons Why Chocolate Is Secretly Good For You…I Had No Idea

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If you feel lonely on Valentine”s Day and want to drown in your sorrows, your go-to candy is likely going to be chocolate. If you are in a great relationship, you are most likely to receive a nice dinner, flowers, and (of course) chocolate. No matter how you slice it, you will come into contact with chocolates on Valentine”s Day, and it”s not necessarily a bad thing.

1. Chocolate is heart healthy.

Chocolate is heart healthy.

Eating a serving of dark chocolate a week lowers your risk of heart failure. Eating a square of dark chocolate daily lowers your blood pressure.

2. Chocolate goes hand in hand with exercise.

Chocolate goes hand in hand with exercise.

Eating chocolate and working out go quite well together. The flavonoids in chocolate keep your blood pressure low while you work out, which can reduce the risk of a heart attack.

3. Chocolate helps you lose weight.

Chocolate helps you lose weight.

Adding dark chocolate to your diet will only have positive effects. Dark chocolate gives off a sensation that makes people feel more full, so you can quit eating sooner.

4. Chocolate makes happier children.

Chocolate makes happier children.

If you are pregnant and eat chocolate daily, your kids will come out much happier than if you didn”t eat chocolate.

5. Chocolate makes for happier mothers.

Chocolate makes for happier mothers.

Mothers who ate chocolate daily were able to handle the stress of raising children better than mothers who never ate chocolate.

6. Chocolate helps prevent diabetes.

Chocolate helps prevent diabetes.

That sounds like an oxymoron, right? It”s not. A recent study showed that people who ate a dark chocolate bar every day discovered that their potential for insulin resistance had dropped. The flavonoids in dark chocolates help moderate insulin sensitivity.

7. Chocolate reduces stress.

Chocolate reduces stress.

Swiss scientists found that when anxious people ate an ounce and a half of dark chocolate every day for two weeks, their stress hormone levels significantly lowered.

8. Chocolate protects you from the sun.

Chocolate protects you from the sun.

People who eat chocolates high in flavonoids have a reduced risk of getting a sunburn.

9. Chocolate makes you smarter.

Chocolate makes you smarter.

Eating or drinking chocolate high in flavonoids can help blood flow to the brain for a good two to three hours after consumption. A test also proved that people who ate flavonoid-rich diets score higher on tests than people who don”t.

10. Chocolate relieves coughs.

Chocolate relieves coughs.

A study also showed that chocolates have the same cough-relieving powers as codeine without any of the negative effects.

11. …and diarrhea.

...and diarrhea.

The Children”s Hospital Oakland Research Institute found that flavonoids work with a protein that regulates the small intestine.

12. Chocolate is loaded with antioxidants.

Chocolate is loaded with antioxidants.

Dark chocolate contains hefty amounts of disease-fighting flavonoids. Antioxidants also found in red wine and many fruits and vegetables. In fact, it appears to have more flavonoids than any other food.

(via Women”s Health)

There you have it, folks! Don”t be afraid to dip into the candy stash when you”re feeling down, sick, or even happy. Chocolates have some pretty healthy qualities about them. Don”t be afraid to indulge this Valentine”s Day…or any day!


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