
Something Seems Off In These 20 Photos, But It’s So Hard To Place What…

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Hm… I don”t know… something about these things seem a bit off. Actually, you know what? I”m probably over-thinking this. I”m sure they”re all totally legit.

1. Welcome to Club Legit.

Welcome to Club Legit.

2. This place has everything: really tall giraffes.

This place has everything: really tall giraffes.

3. Authentic memorabilia.

Authentic memorabilia.

4. Toys and candy.

Toys and candy.

5. Real babes.

Real babes.

6. Real rides.

Real rides.

7. Dope couture.

Dope couture.

8. The most delicious and totally real snacks.

The most delicious and totally real snacks.

9. Unique gaming experiences.

Unique gaming experiences.

10. Miracles.


11. Really strong children.

Really strong children.

12. The latest technology.

The latest technology.

13. Plenty of parking for your totally legit bikes.

Plenty of parking for your totally legit bikes.

14. Top not scents.

Top not scents.

15. An intoxicating library.

An intoxicating library.

16. Interesting ways to meet people.

Interesting ways to meet people.

17. Wild animals.

Wild animals.

18. High fashion.

High fashion.

19. Amish dating.

Amish dating.

20. And an incredibly safe environment.

And an incredibly safe environment.

(via eBaum”s World)

Okay, maybe I was right about things being a little of with some of these. Not that Babe Ruth baseball though, that”s definitely authentic. The owner of that should talk to the electric fence maker about getting it some protection. You can never be too careful with priceless memorabilia.



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