
These 19 Odd Health Hacks Might Just Improve Your Quality Of Life

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Let”s face it, we are all looking for a way to be healthier and a way to live longer. What people generally don”t know is that it”s actually extremely easy to improve your quality of life by making a few simple changes.

Not only will you be healthier, but you”ll definitely be happier. That can go a long way in terms of health. If you follow these simple life hacks, you won”t regret it.

1. Exhaling on alternate feet while running can reduce stress on your body and reduce the risk of cramps.

Exhaling on alternate feet while running can reduce stress on your body and reduce the risk of cramps.

2. Putting a Tums on a painful mouth ulcer can make it go away faster.

Putting a Tums on a painful mouth ulcer can make it go away faster.

3. The less sweets you eat, the less you will crave them.

The less sweets you eat, the less you will crave them.

4. Because of the estrogen released during sex, it can make women”s hair and skin glow.

Because of the estrogen released during sex, it can make women

5. If you get burned, apply toothpaste to the affected area. It will soothe the pain.

If you get burned, apply toothpaste to the affected area. It will soothe the pain.

6. Eating marshmallows can ease the pain of a sore throat.

Eating marshmallows can ease the pain of a sore throat.

7. If you are looking to quickly shrink a pimple, put some Listerine on it. The alcohol in it will cause it to fade.

If you are looking to quickly shrink a pimple, put some Listerine on it. The alcohol in it will cause it to fade.

8. Grape juice has been shown to relieve the pain of severe migraines.

Grape juice has been shown to relieve the pain of severe migraines.

9. Drinking black tea can aid in reversing the damage of smoking on the lungs.

Drinking black tea can aid in reversing the damage of smoking on the lungs.

10. Studies show that if you eat a home cooked meal five days a week, you could live up to a decade longer.

Studies show that if you eat a home cooked meal five days a week, you could live up to a decade longer.

(Cutting out a Big Mac is always a good idea.)

11. Fifteen straight minutes of laughter is equivalent to doing 30 minutes of sit ups.

Fifteen straight minutes of laughter is equivalent to doing 30 minutes of sit ups.

12. Smiling stimulates the muscles of the face, which makes the rate we age slower.

Smiling stimulates the muscles of the face, which makes the rate we age slower.

13. Drinking lemon juice with a pinch of salt can allegedly help lower your cholesterol.

Drinking lemon juice with a pinch of salt can allegedly help lower your cholesterol.

14. 30 minutes of exercise increases brain activity; therefore, it could make you smarter.

30 minutes of exercise increases brain activity; therefore, it could make you smarter.

15. Drinking more water throughout the day can help your body function better without sleep.

Drinking more water throughout the day can help your body function better without sleep.

16. Go to a sauna 3 days in a row if you are trying to quit smoking. You will sweat out the nicotine and toxins, making it easier to quit.

Go to a sauna 3 days in a row if you are trying to quit smoking. You will sweat out the nicotine and toxins, making it easier to quit.

17. Spinning a wet towel around a room can get rid of cigarette smoke.

Spinning a wet towel around a room can get rid of cigarette smoke.

18. Eating salmon is shown to increase hair growth.

Eating salmon is shown to increase hair growth.

19. Lack of sleep can cause you to gain weight.

Lack of sleep can cause you to gain weight.

(via EbaumsWorld)

Follow these simple tips (and potential wives” tales) in order to live a better life and hopefully achieve immortality. Wouldn”t that be neat? You”d be like a superhero! And who doesn”t want to be a superhero?


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