
This Kid Just Had Some Very Tough Realizations About Life, And It’s So Cute

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At a certain point in our lives, we need to face some tough realizations. We eventually have to go to school, do homework, and learn how the power of love can be a devastating one. People who haven”t learned these lessons yet are either three years old or the luckiest people on the planet.

This little boy needs to come to grips with a problem that most people would love to have. However, it certainly does come with its own unique quandaries.

(via Wankyways)

Cheer up, kid! There are tons of adults that can”t get one girlfriend. You”re going to have a long road ahead of you in terms of relationship problems, so don”t worry. This is just the beginning.

For more hilarious antics like this one, check out these articles.



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