Awesome Stuff

This Natural Phenomenon Looks Like Something Out Of An Apocalypse Movie

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Blinding fog is an incredibly scary condition to travel in. It limits a driver”s field of vision, often causing some nasty accidents if it becomes too thick on roadways. In films and in real life, fog never signals a good time ahead, often foreshadowing something foreboding and ominous to come.

But aside from the fog found in the mountains and on the highway, this fog phenomenon takes the cake in terms of its scare factor. Watching this fog waterfall is just a bit too eerie to handle.

(via DailyPicksandFlicks)

I feel like the headless horseman is about to ride in right behind that fog. It”s so creepy looking! Still, it”s kind of beautiful in a haunting way, almost as if it”s drawing you in…

For more amazing natural phenomena, check out these articles.


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