
This Normal Chemical Reaction Looks Like A Blasted Portal To A Demon Realm.

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Recently, we showed you that actual spellbooks exist, but the video below wasn”t one of those witchy recipes (although it certainly looks like it). This demonic-looking burst of flame looks like some kind of devilry from The Necromancer”s Manuel, it”s actually just a simple classroom science experiment.

Ammonium dichromate ((NH4)2Cr2O7) is also known as Vesuvian Fire. When lit, a flame it creates a volcanic effect. But unlike your typical grade school science project, this tiny volcano eventually evolves into a Lovecraftian horror.

The chemical is lit.

The chemical is lit.

A molten-lava looking effect starts to breach.

A molten-lava looking effect starts to breach.

Suddenly it starts spitting out black.

Suddenly it starts spitting out black.

Then out of the ashes, tentacles form.

Then out of the ashes, tentacles form.

What is this infernal beast?!

What is this infernal beast?!

Its tentacles are encouraged by the flame.

Its tentacles are encouraged by the flame.

As the fire cools, the tentacles harden.

As the fire cools, the tentacles harden.

Now it looks like some kind of ancient statue from a Herculean battle.

Now it looks like some kind of ancient statue from a Herculean battle.

Can you imagine if someone saw you do this in medieval times? They”d seriously think you were some kind of evil mage sent to Earth by Satan to bring upon the apocalypse. (Oh, the fun you could have.)


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