Awesome Stuff

What People In Japan Are Doing In The Name Of Beauty Is Totally Disgusting

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Many people would say that we live in a beauty obsessed culture and we will do anything to look better. People in the past have gone to pretty extreme measures in the name of beauty. But what people in Japan are doing just seems pretty gross if you ask me.

The new treatment involves having people endure five minutes of snails crawling all over their face. While that seems gross, the benefits are actually pretty amazing.

The slime that snails leave behind when they crawl over a surface removes dead skin cells, relieves sunburn pain, and moisturizes skin. Snail slime is also believed to have an anti-aging effect and has already been incorporated into beauty products.

The slime that snails leave behind when they crawl over a surface removes dead skin cells, relieves sunburn pain, and moisturizes skin. Snail slime is also believed to have an anti-aging effect and has already been incorporated into beauty products.

For only $106 you too can have the escargot treatment in Japan. If you”re looking for a new, radical way to get your skin feeling better, these snails can certainly point you in the right direction. You”ll just have to live with the fact that you let snails crawl all over your face for a period of time.


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