You May Want To Consider These Funny, Interesting Facts Before Getting A Tattoo
When it comes to getting a tattoo, people don”t often stop and think before getting inked. The tattoo barer is often faced with regret if they don”t seriously ponder getting something permanently placed on their skin. Surprisingly, nearly half of all adults under the age of 30 in the U.S. have at least one tattoo, and they are becoming more and more common with each generation.
Before you think about getting that pink unicorn tattooed on your ankle, consider some of these funny truths.
1. But then again, Morpheus, neither do pince-nez-styled sunglasses.
2. So, by using this graph, we can safely assume that 75% of 0-9-year-olds in the U.S. have tattoos.
3. He was bound to have tattoos with a sweet name like Iceman.
4. Tattoos are a lot more permanent than people realize. You can dump Andy, but you”ll be reminded of him every time you look over your shoulder.
5. There is a good chance that the “peace” tattoo you got inked on in Hindu actually says “Pigeonperson.” Just saying.
6. Yeah, but what about hermaphrodites?
7. Don”t judge a book by its cover…or by its ink.
8. Time to go apply for a job as a Las Vegas party planner.
9. Getting tattoos hurts. Says so right here.
10. Where you get your tattoo can say a lot about you.
11. Your tattoo says even more about you.
12. 100% of graph makers will feel uneasy around you. Other people won”t care.
13. Well, unless copious amounts of alcohol are involved.
14. When you put it like that…
(via guff)
It”s highly unlikely any of this will have any influence on those considering a tattoo. Rather, it is merely meant for fun. Getting tattoos is a personal decision. At the end of the day, you can do what you want with your body. So go on and get that pink unicorn!