WebRover | August 29, 2016
I’ve NEVER Seen Anyone Get Tornado Footage This Close Up. How Did They Even Survive?
On Monday, May 26, 2014, a rare EF-2 tornado ripped through Watford City, North Dakota. Peak winds of...
WebRover | August 29, 2016
Heart-Pounding Facts About Your Own Body That Are Hard To Believe. Wow.
What is the most important part of the body: The head or the heart? This question existed since...
WebRover | August 28, 2016
You Have To See This Vending Machine Idea From 1948. Wow.
If you think self-checkout counters are new, you need to see this vending machine supermarket from 1948. Founded...
WebRover | August 26, 2016
I Thought I Had Seen Amazing Photos Before… Then I Saw These. Wow.
These 22 photos are mind-blowing, inspiring, and absolutely beautiful. I could write a whole bunch of nonsense about...
WebRover | August 26, 2016
Not Only Did These People Climb The Alps, They Did Something So Cool Up There.
Modeling might seem easy, but you”ll never know when you”ll be on top of the Matterhorn posing for...
WebRover | August 26, 2016
It’s SO Cold In The U.S., This Incredible Phenomenon Is Happening To The Ocean
Winter has not been kind to New England this year. Northeastern states such as Massachusetts have been blasted...
WebRover | August 25, 2016
So There’s A City In Russia Called Yakutsk. And If You Visit It Once, You’re NEVER Going To Forget It.
If your city has “yak” in its name, then you probably know you”re not in for a good...
WebRover | August 25, 2016
These Products Might Not Get You In Shape, But They Will Get You Some Strange Looks.
Want to lose weight? Badly enough to spend your hard-earned money on these ridiculous products? Apparently, some of...
WebRover | August 25, 2016
Stop Buying Into the Superfood Hype. The Stuff You’re Eating Isn’t THAT Great.
A new “study” comes out of the blue every week, spouting the health benefits of the world”s newest...
WebRover | August 24, 2016
You’d Really Have To Love Where You Live To Know It Could Kill You Any Day… Kinda Like This.
If someone were to tell me that they were living on or even near a live volcano, I”d...