WebRover | August 31, 2016
Cyborgs Are Real, And They’re Already Living Among Us.
The future is now, it”s just not what we were expecting. The future we were promised with jet...
WebRover | August 31, 2016
Believe It Or Not, These Futuristic Inventions Currently Exist. The Future Is NOW.
The future is now. You may not realize it, but we have access to much of the technology...
WebRover | August 31, 2016
Ever Wondered What The Most Dangerous Storms Really Looked Like? It’s Crazy.
Storms are awesome, cataclysmic events. Some people find them so awe-inspiringly cool that they spend their lives chasing...
WebRover | August 30, 2016
When You See How This Plane Takes Off, You’ll Never Be Afraid Of Flights Again
Planes are modern marvels. For anyone who can”t appreciate what planes do, let me spell it out for...
WebRover | August 30, 2016
Here Are 35 Things You Probably Believe… But Are Total Lies. Everything You Thought Is Wrong.
While growing up, family, friends and teachers probably told you tidbits about the world that you accepted as...
WebRover | August 30, 2016
This Is What People In The 1800s Thought The Future Would Actually Look Like
One thing that people like to do is try to predict the future, no matter how wild or...
WebRover | August 30, 2016
For A Surprising Reason, This School Refuses To Pay For School Buses.
51,000 people, 0 buses. If that sounds like a typical person-to-bus ratio for a school district, then you...
WebRover | August 30, 2016
In Just A Few Short Years, These 13 Foods Might Be Extinct. It Would Be Awful.
Climate change is more real than most people would like to believe. Even if we take drastic steps...
WebRover | August 29, 2016
Dealing With Others Will Be Easy When You Know These 15 Tricks. Mind = Blown.
Getting through the first 8 work hours of the week isn”t necessarily difficult because of the tasks. It”s...
WebRover | August 29, 2016
You Would Have To Be Insane To Dive At This Spot. You’ll See Why When You Hit The Water.
If you came across this gaping hole in a Texas river, would your first instinct be to jump...