If you ever wondered what Marilyn Monroe, John Lennon, or even Abraham Lincoln would look like covered in tattoos, then Shopped Tattoos is the blog for you. It”s almost unfair how cool these celebrities look with ink. If these pictures don”t make you want to get tatted up, nothing will. I wonder how those neck tattoos would have impacted President Kennedy”s political career. Don”t worry, you can see how Jackie O would look with sleeve tattoos, too.
Kate Middleton and Prince William
Jackie O and John F. Kennedy
(via Shopped Tattoos)
Is there anything these people can do that doesn”t look cool? Maybe someone should try photoshopping the world”s most famous people in Snuggies. If they can pull that off, then we”ll have our answer. For more inked-up celebrities, check out the Shopped Tattoos blog.