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These Guys Wanted To Be Gangsta SO Bad…But Failed Completely. Ouch.
WebRover | September 5, 2016If you know anyone who is a real gangster, they have some pretty intimidating qualities. Usually, they have a...
Almost Every Year, The Most Disturbing Natural Event Happens In China
WebRover | September 5, 2016Due to a steady flow of tsunamis and a lack of forestation in the area, southwestern China gets hit...
When This Teen Took The Stage, She Did Something That Left The Judges In Tears
WebRover | September 5, 2016Since the dawn of hit TV show American Idol in 2002, a slew of copycat programs have garnered similar...
These Beautiful Bridges To Nowhere Mysteriously Exist All Over The World
WebRover | September 5, 2016A number of mysterious bridges from around the world seemingly lead to nowhere. Their origins tend to differ; they...
The Awesome Fireworks In Manila Stole The Show On New Year’s Eve
WebRover | September 5, 2016If you went to New York City to watch the ball drop on New Year”s Eve, you were the...
What Was Found Inside This San Francisco Apartment Will Make You Feel SO Unclean
WebRover | September 5, 2016The tenants of one San Francisco apartment building have banded together to file a $10 million lawsuit against the...
Fuzzy Bundles of Joy Find a New Home
WebRover | September 5, 2016A litter of pitiful stray kittens were found, only days old and in need of help. Kittens that young...
Youll Be Shocked When You Find Out Why This Man Was Eating Out Of A Dumpster.
WebRover | September 5, 2016With $165 billion worth of perfectly good food is thrown out each year, it seems like the odds are...
The Most Profound Things Ever Written In Bathroom Stalls
WebRover | September 5, 2016If you”ve ever been in a public restroom, you”ve probably seen some bathroom graffiti. It”s usually nonsensical, not very...
They Call This 1000 Islands. And After Seeing What’s On Them, I Want To Move There Immediately.
WebRover | September 5, 2016If you love island living and are looking to move, this is just the place for you that doesn”t...