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10 Badass People Who Did Crazy Things For Science
WebRover | September 5, 201610 Badass People Who Did Crazy Things For Science Scientists take different risks all the time. Some alienate their...
Awesome Stuff
Flip Flops Saved This Womans Life. No, Really.
WebRover | September 5, 2016Jennifer Lyons narrowly avoided getting electrocuted when the satellite dish on top of her home was struck by lightning....
The Insides Of These Catacombs Will Leave You Shaking In Your Boots.
WebRover | September 5, 2016When the Capuchin monastery of Palermo, Italy outgrew its cemetery in the 16th century, they began to dig crypts...
What This Flight Attendant Does Could Make ANY Long Trip More Enjoyable
WebRover | September 4, 2016Flying can be a huge hassle. It”s an uncomfortable experience, especially when a lot of people end up with...
20 Times Life Decided That Things Were Going A Little Too Well For You
WebRover | September 4, 2016Sometimes things just suck. You try to be positive and put on a happy face and all that jazz,...
12 Strange Locations Around The World Are The Sites Of Countless Disappearances
WebRover | September 4, 2016Biologist, writer, and cryptozoologist, Ivan Sanderson, wrote an article in 1972 called “The Twelve Devil”s Graveyards Around the World”...
17 People Who Found Ways To Nap It Up In The Most Bizarre Situations
WebRover | September 4, 2016You just can”t help the urge to snooze when you”re running around on no sleep. You”ll see someone yawn,...
Mars Is Awesome And We Have 31 Photos To Prove It.
WebRover | September 4, 2016Mars is one of Earth”s closest neighbors. It”s sort of the like the neighbor you have over for coffee...
These Shocking Pictures Explore The Urban Blight Of Baltimore
WebRover | September 4, 2016Once a booming factory town, Baltimore, Maryland has faced the consequences of extreme deindustrialization over the last few decades....
When A Senator’s Phone Rang On Live TV, No One Was Expecting THIS Ring Tone
WebRover | September 4, 2016Deciding what ringtone you want is an arduous task. It needs to say something about you, it needs to...